9 Interesting Ways to Attract More Customers (Even high-end clients) to Your Small Business

In most cases, businesses especially smaller enterprises struggle to attract customers.

They juggle which approach is the best fit for their businesses and that which is not. Others have no idea from where to begin. Interestingly, some are adamant and want to maintain the status quo.

As hard as it seems, they’re some who have mastered the art and attracted even more customers.

What makes them different from the rest? Is there any secret behind their approaches?

Today I’m going to share with you. The interesting ways to attract more customers to your small business. Some of the ways are familiar, while others are not.

Sounds captivating, does it?

Well, customers don’t accidentally fall on your business premises. They must have heard or seen something interesting to do so. It could be low prices, attractive packaging, good customer care services or brand name.

Does that sound familiar? Okay then, let’s dive in.

1. Start by understanding your Business.

How well do you know your business?

It all starts with understanding the business you’ve ventured.

I’m talking about the competitive advantage, customer proximity, variety of products, lead time or location. Ask yourself whether you’re a game charger within your locality. Customers like to associate themselves with businesses that add value to their needs. Therefore, you need to step even further and find out about your competitors. Competitors that make that create anxiety and churning in the pit of your stomach. In the process, you’ll have such questions as:

How long have they been in existence? What’s unique about the business that sets you apart from them?

Here’s what you do.

Create a mindset that you’re better than the rest. Assume your competitors are damn good, or at least as good as you are. Build that confidence that you can be better, if not the best. And within that context, know your strengths and capitalize on them. That’s the mindset you should develop to conquer the competitive market.

Capitalize on your strengths. Breaking the standards set by market leaders is not simple. The strategy required should be smarter and meticulous. Against all the odds, getting back to your strengths might walk you through. In fact, the outcomes will depend on the how committed, tactical and tolerant you are. Take advantage of your strengths as you improve on your weaknesses.

2. Word of mouth

Do you believe word of mouth works in business?

In the medieval period, word of mouth was commonly used to communicate. It proved useful until telephony came into existence. Now, word of mouth is less effective.

Wait a minute, how true is it?

When talking about word of mouth, I’m not referring to office chit chats—I mean selling your business ideas to the masses. The masses here being the potential customers.

Then how to do it.

Look for good communicators. Within your circles, identify individuals who can sell ideas in the simplest possible ways. Sometimes, however, individuals full of enthusiasm can make good communicators. You can hire one, set some music in the background and a microphone to advertise your products. In fact, it often happens whenever there is a promotion of a new product in the market. Others will use a mobile car packed with their products moving around advertising their products. In recent times, marketers of certain products, move to commuter vehicles advertising products. In all these instances, they communicate through word of mouth.

Now that’s how true and effective word of mouth is.

3. Offer discounts

Perhaps you’ve heard the term discount several times.

It is a common term that businesses of all sizes use to attract potential customers. On a lighter note, entrepreneurs use the discount to show customer appreciation for being loyal. Others are in the process of clearing old stocks. Either way, customers get the chance to buy goods at a slightly low price. A discounted good is more appealing even when one only saves a few coins.

Here is the catch.

Discount goods that have higher price tags. Marketers consider expensive goods as slow-moving goods. Customers would often pass-by them or watch with admiration. Therefore, to get their attention, you may offer a 10% discount with some colorful price tags pegged on them. I’m sure; it would get the attention it deserves. For fast-moving goods, customers would appreciate free-samples. The free sample approach has proven to be very effective.

4.Create an attractive website

Today, whether small or big business, having a website is a necessity.

Potential customers are now found online with their huge demand for products and services.

They look for what’s trending, attractive, expensive or common cliche. I’m meant to understand that this trend is showing and there is more yet to come. The more often term used currently is—having a “following.

For you to be on the same page with the rest, here’s the thing.

Optimize your website to reach the masses. Companies like eBay and Amazon has a huge following. In fact, whenever you hear of online purchasing-Amazon comes in the picture. Their marketing strategies make them more outstanding, a craft they have developed over time. They attract a lot of traffic daily. Statistical evidence suggests that companies that invested more in their web have grown by leaps and bounds. Businesses should feed their websites with the right information. It should be authentic, straightforward and unique from the outset.

Seek the right social marketing strategy. Against all the odds, it’s imperative to have the right social marketer, if need be, to market your website. We’ve seen content creators hired to create content about products and services. Other instances, marketing application tools have been developed, making it easier for customers to browse the web.

With those developments, you can choose the best fit for your company.

5.Get listed on Popular Local Directories

Have you heard of online business directories?

If you haven’t, now you’ve no excuse. Now, development of online business directories like the old booklet yellow pages is not new. Companies whether large or small are listing their businesses on these directories. What they do, is a search for directories that perpetually grow their business, user-friendly and popular.

So, in case you want to list your business online, here’s how to do it.

Understand how you’d share your products and service. You might be seeking cross-listing your business across all networks. Or use paid business optimization package to upscale your unique features. Probably, you want to add videos, photos to attract more customers. Take your time and understand what you want to offer and choose the directory that’s appropriate.

6. Social media participation

What is social media participation?

The truth is, if you’re not in social media, I wonder where you are. Social media participation nowadays is the in “thing.” From high school students—to professionals, celebrities—to head of states. Most of these groups engage in conversations; it could be what’s trending, business trips, ratings, you name it. Ideally, it’s all about getting in touch most conveniently. Facebook is the most highly visited social media platform, second to Google. Social media such as LinkedIn have grown over time for business professionals’ participation.

How then do you participate…?

Look at where most customers hang out. Customers crisscross from one social media to another searching for convenience. Graphic designers have now discovered Pinterest to be popular. Writers, journalists, and bloggers are now on Twitter where most of their counterparts hang out. Therefore, it’s imperative to locate where your audience (customers) are, to engage with them. Comment on the feeds, sign up for the infographics, move with the flow of your audience every single second.

7. Network

Networking! What’s in networking that everyone talks about it?

In Information technology, networking is a common term used. Often, you’d see a graphical representation of how a system works—connections from one system to another. Believe it or not, that’s the simplest way of explaining about networking.

Businesses to use that similar principle during networking. They look for groups, associations or a partnership that is mutually exclusive to their needs. Through these networks, they can share ideas and concepts that would benefit each other.

How can you be part of it…?

Enroll in book clubs, business associations. Most events are filled up with people from all walks of life. From these events, you meet entrepreneurs, CEO’s, politicians and other professionals. These entire group of people forms a based on getting the high-end customers that is unimaginable. Therefore, make a point of being part of these groups by enrolling as a member.

8. Build Application

Do we look for easy ways of accessing products or services, right?

Some of the ways can be made easier through an inbuilt application. But most people in business take a halt whenever they are told to build their business application. They think of the cost implications, the software design, and engineering, and get mesmerized.

Arguably, having an app upgrades your business to greater heights. Customers can click on the app wherever they are and access your information. Again, you create a good impression about your business and yourself. What impression do you create as an entrepreneur?

  • You have a competitive edge ahead of your competitors.
  • A tech-savvy whose sensitive to technology.

You can imagine customers accessing your business app on their smartphones.

How cool is that! Quite impressive.

9. Building an Email List

Do you believe in the power of a strong email listing?


Having a strong email is one valuable asset you should possess. Several application tools have been developed to enable you to search and access email addresses.

How then do you build it…?

First, set your target clientele and begin searching for their emails. Through MailChimp, you can access several email addresses from Google search. Develop a convincing pitch template to send out to the respective client. Each pitch should fit with the description of what the client requires. Send as many email pitches to as many email addresses to increase your odds of getting that high-end customer.

Check your growth expectations. Get to know where you want to be regarding growth. Your growth expectations will enable you to know to what extent to stretch concerning your listings. The size of your business plays a huge factor when it comes to growth expectations.


Categorized as Business

By Miller Bolo

Hi, I’m Miller Bolo, a digital marketer, marketing strategist, copywriter & content writer. I am a person who does not limit myself to conventional thinking or tried-and-tested methods. Instead, I approach problems with a curious and open mind, exploring new possibilities and considering all angles. This mindset allows me to develop unique solutions others might not have considered.

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